Sunday, April 5, 2009

rotors turning in the night sky....

a former colleague sent this to me via said ,"Anuradhapura AB . 2330hrs...last Sunday"...i guess these folks do a day/night all weather job when it comes to keeping the lines of comms open for the troops up North....and ferry the injured too! Kudos to them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of the reasons for successes in the battlefront among many others! Effective coordination between the three armed forces: a phenomenon which was absent during the previous phases of the Eelam wars. The much credit in this regard should go the Defense Secretary Ghotabhya Rajapaksha. This is the one of the primary roles expected by the this position though the previous individuals who held this positions were quite ineffective in executing their duties leaving the LTTE a field dayroles expected by the this position though the previous individuals who held this postions were quite ineffective executing their duties leaving the LTTE a field day