Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dammn Mexican Pigs...says Prabakaran ..

First it was the Lashkar-e-Toiba boys the Mexican Pigs..

Even before VP could open his mouth for what may possibly be his last 'State of Terror' speech, last November , the World tuned its eyes to Mumbai for fireworks there and now as the International Community hoards descend down on the Sri Lankan Capital with its bailout plan to save the endangered and soon to be extinct two legged Tigers of Sri Lanka, some Pig in Mexico takes to flight...

What a twist of fate for the once ferocious Tiger that used to feed on the flesh and blood of the innocent of Sri Lanka...

[pix by]


Anonymous said...

ok u see soon how fast the govrmnet army is going to run to you no that Pirabaharan took one of the LTTE Airplanes to study the battlefield last week?you see soon

Unknown said...

What a way to portray VP's current situation!

As many a turn of events internationally and locally happened in the past in favor of VP, he was over-confident. VP was also vastly favored by the long absence of correct politico-military leadership in SL. This over-confident coupled with his miscalculation of the SL armed forces' abilities cost him dearly. Now the only option available for VP Pig is to a fly like the Pig in the picture