Saturday, September 29, 2007

paper skeleton

design, design , design and portray. exhibition of Architecture and Design

window with a view

Broadway Hotel,Matara,  avoid the Manager....

Sleepy Saturday

Mosquito net overhead

Friday, September 28, 2007

Rear View

finished my contract, done with all the handovers...left all the unwanted baggage at work...

heading home in style.. new phase in life..

Double standerds and Red Shirts

In this world we live in, there are standards for everything... and then there are double standards.

when Monks in Burma protest against the Repressive Military regime , the Monks are seen as defenders of democracy and freedom in the eyes of the west.

when Monks in Sri Lanka protest , they end up branded as chauvinist/nationalist hoards.

standards , standers .. and then double standards.

Face book wants me to put on a red shirt today , hoping the junta will notice my shirt,and me of course, and my message to them.

Will they?

at least the monks protesting outside the Burmese embassy in Colombo , might see me, in a red shirt.

will they take me for JVP?

colours in Asia means a lot , but if the face book wants a sort of a 'Orange Revolution' of the type in Ukraine to happen with the 'red shirt' , no i think not..

saffron robes will lead the way , towards freedom, but not the 'freedom' western powers envisage.

for west, freedom and democracy are words that go along with oil and gas.