Wednesday, November 26, 2008

V.Prabhakaran 26.11.1954 - (?) The Nightmare Continues..

Velupillai Prabhakaran, the Leader of the LTTE and a human monster of our times turns 54 today, his reign of terror,unspeakable cruelty, murder and destruction continues to mutate into one of mankind's' worst nightmares.
its high time the Tamil community realize their so called 'sole representative's idea of a Tamil Eelam is nothing but a concentration camp of the mind,a slave state where absolute obedience is enforced by way of the gun and has no room for dissent nor freedom of thought.

Prabhakaran, lost his sanity long ago in the hands of his own community over the caste and village repressions, is now losing his cadre and is not hesitant to sacrifice as much as people he can get his hands on ..all just to save his cowardly self,shrouded in a myth called Eelam!

one of 'his' will end this nightmare.. and it will come soon... i hope , for i have no intention to write this post next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mock ,
not to worry mate.. there is nbe no Pirabakaran or the LTTE in few weeks time..